The bullpen battle league put on a classic battle between C Moneii and Clone. Being in the building seeing this live was nothing less than amazing! With money on the line both emcees went the distance and put on a classic fight that left the judges in a stalemate decision on who won.  John John da don had special guest judges including t top and Calicoe to give the final word.

This battle was also a cash bet with $1,200 on the line. Going into the battle we heard C moneii was gonna take the win from the many spectators in the crowd, but Clone put on a performance that could change the mind of the many viwers around the world.

Who won?

The big question we all want to know. In the building they could not come to a final decision.  I guess we will let the world decide when the battle drops. Stay tuned for updates on the release of the battle.